Native Plants for the Northeast, and How to Use Them

This post is a complement to our Native Planting Workshop, happening on Sunday 5/16 at Big Bear Gear in Lambertville NJ, with plants provided by Nectar’s Home & Garden, just down the road in Titusville NJ. Even if you can’t make it to the workshop, this guide can help you make an informed decision about native tree and shrub species that will thrive in your home landscape, and how to use them to replace problematic exotic species that are widely planted in our area. We will also cover specific techniques for planting that will maximize the long term success of your plants.


Poison or Panacea Foxglove  Digitalis purpurea This delightful spireing flower is steeped in lore and history. This poisonous plant has been used warily for centuries. Highly poisonous, it is not even credited by famed herbalist Dioscorides in his herbal compendium or Nicholas Culpepper. Briefly mentioned by Gerard for its ability to “loosen grosse and slimie phlegmContinue reading “Foxglove”